Export declaration, temporary export, re-export and export of excise goods - let ColliCare Logistics help you with the process of custom clearing your export.


When you are exporting goods from the Netherlands to Norway (or another country outside of the European Union), you must have permission from the Dutch customs. Without the permission you are not allow to export your goods.

As an exporter you are obliged to make an export declaration. The Dutch customs will check your declaration, and after the customs has processed and released the declaration, you can export your goods.


Three main areas for export customs


When do you pay for export duties:

  • If export law is a measure to protect the internal market;

For more information go to: Belastingdienst.nl/en;

  • temporary export;

    • for example for goods that are exported for repair and will be returned to the Netherlands;

  • re-importation to the Netherlands;

    • goods which have been temporarily customs cleared into the Netherlands.




Excise goods

Export duties must always be paid on excise goods, even if they have a relatively low value. 

Here can you find more information: export of excise goods

Customs clearance documentation 

As an exporter, you are responsible for labelling and addressing the goods correctly, and providing the correct customs clearance documentation. Here you will find more information about customs clearance documentation.

Allard Stuivenberg

Allard Stuivenberg

Teamleader Customs & Compliance
Ties Koning

Ties Koning

Customs & Compliance